KYB Europe YouTube Success

KYB Europe GmbH Aftermarket has recorded over half a million views on its YouTube channel.

KYB launched its support for technicians with difficult shock absorber replacements three years ago, with a range of fitting videos. The number of videos has been increasing steadily and there are more than 70 fitting videos, covering over 210 different vehicles. There are now over 40,000 views of these fitting videos per month, with over 100,000 minutes per month watched. KYB leads the search results when looking for fitting videos for specific vehicles, showing the importance of replacing shock absorbers correctly and safely using the right tools and geometry settings.

The most watched fitting video is for the rear of a Mercedes A Class. To replace the rear shock absorbers on this vehicle, it’s quite an unusual process. It’s necessary to remove the panel from under the vehicle and the arm to give enough space to access the top bolt.

KYB has many more fitting videos in production at the moment, to be released over the next few months. They can be viewed at The videos are also linked to KYB Europe’s QR code tool – technicians see a QR code next to a spanner icon on a KYB shock absorber box, they can scan the code with a smart phone to access fitting instructions specific to that vehicle.

If any technicians know of a specific vehicle where it is difficult to replace the shock absorbers, KYB would love to hear about it, as it may be possible to make a fitting video to support them – they can send the vehicle details (in any language) to